It’s a Halloween and we’ll be taking it in at the Deli with a bit of music tonight courtesy of Wes Jagoe (who is also our music guru, arranging our music nights). Wes will be playing from 8:00 pm till 10:00, (10 is a ballpark estimate). So if you get a chance, pop by. We’d love to see you.
And as a head’s up … Next Saturday (November 7), Terry Whalen will perform beginning at 8:00 pm.
With all these mentions of time, we should also toss out a reminder that tonight is the night we turn clocks back an hour as we go back to Standard Time. So as of tomorrow, mornings shouldn’t be quite as dark. Late afternoon, however, will.
Finally, there’s a nice article in the Telegraph-Journal about next week’s Chop Chop “Feast”-ival here in Saint John. It’s the one titled Saint John restos want foodies to Chop chop. It’s worth a read.
Hope to see you tonight — and have a great Halloween!