That’s the advice of Laurie, our wonderful Queen of Soup.
“Be bold with flavour!” Continue reading
A rescue dog herself, Molly Bloom is very worried about the Saint John SPCA Animal Rescue and wants to know if you can help them. Although she was rescued by the SPCA up in Fredericton, she has lots of friends – dogs and cats and people – in Saint John. And she’s anxious for them!
She’s thrilled to know there has been loads of support for the Saint John SPCA but her concern is that it is a big task and there is so much more that is needed.
So Molly wants you to know you can follow the Saint John SPCA on Twitter (@SPCAAR) and you can like them on Facebook to follow their updates.
And you can also donate pretty easily online on the donation page on their web site.
Everything helps and everything is needed. Don’t let the doors close! Help out and let’s get that anxious look off Molly’s face!
(Urban Deli and Italian by Night will be doing something — we’ll keep you posted on what we plan!)
With less than a week to go before Christmas, we thought we should send out a seasonal wish and also let you know what our holiday hours will be. And so …
We’ll be taking a breather over Christmas and giving our staff a chance to spend some time with friends and family. This means we’ll be closing Christmas Eve (Saturday, the 24th) at 3:00pm and not opening again until Tuesday, December 27th, at 11:30am.
For New Year’s, we’ll be closing at 3:00pm on December 31st (New Year’s Eve) and reopening Wednesday, January 4th at 11:30am. (Yes, on the Wednesday. Tuesday, the 3rd, we’re closed as we do inventory.)
And don’t forget, if you’re starting to panic about gifts for friends and family, drop by the Deli and ask us for a gift card — you choose the amount. They fit quite nicely inside a card. And an Urban Deli gift card can be used at anytime (no expiration date).
It’s a yummy gift idea especially if you have a food lover on your list. (And who doesn’t?)
Hope you’re enjoying the season. Be cheerful, merry and have a great time!
Time moves very quickly. We’re already less than a month away from Christmas! But we’re ready for it. We’re also ready to give you a hand with ideas. If you haven’t seen it yet, we have a Christmas menu.
But don’t feel restricted. Whether you’re a company or just someone looking to entertain friends with a tasty Christmas get together, we can help. The Deli holds up to 40 people comfortably and we also have catering if you prefer to have your get together at home or in the office.
Our Christmas menu is available but if it’s a less formal occasion and you prefer to simplify, we also have menus for those, like our Saint John Comfort Food or Maritime Kitchen Party menus.
Just give Urban Deli a call at 652.DELI (3354) and ask for Liz or Andrew and we can get started on your plans.
Have a great holiday season!
It’s the final day of shooting in Saint John for John Catucci and You Gotta Eat Here! They’re here at Urban Deli today and we’ll be featuring our Uptown Big Beef Bad Boy and the Muffuletta.
We’d love to see you for today’s Food Network taping of the front of the house customer feed back session … We have space available for Noon and 1:30 pm. But please call to reserve at 652-3354.
It should be a fun day!
The Food Network is paying Saint John a visit for their new show, You Gotta Eat Here! And we’re way excited because we’re one of the restaurants they’ll be visiting for the show.
On Friday and Saturday they’re going to be taping at our friends, Saint John Ale House. On Sunday and Monday, they’re taping here at Urban Deli.
We’d love for you to join us for Monday’s taping (the 17th), during lunch 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. But please call us and make a reservation at 652-3354.
And what’s this Food Network show all about? Two words: comfort food. Here’s how they describe it:
You Gotta Eat Here! sends our charming, funny and food-obsessed host, comedian John Catucci, on a quest to find Canada’s most delicious, mouthwatering, over-the-top comfort food. He’s visiting great joints, greasy spoons, and legendary restaurants to taste the food that made them famous, and to meet the colourful characters that make each one of them institutions.
It should be fun. John Catucci is a pretty funny guy and it sounds as if he knows his comfort food. We’re fired up with the idea of them coming to see us and we hope you’ll join us so we can give them a real Uptown Saint John welcome. Hope to see you Monday!
Yes, we finally have our new menu, which is not so much new as updated. We’ve added a few new things and removed the odd item.
One of the items we’ve added that we’re pretty happy about is our Quiona Salad (keen-wah) – ancient grain salad with ginger, honey, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, cilantro and chili flakes. That is one of the salads we have available. We’ve also added a Charcuterie Board to our appetizers. And that would be genoa salami, sausage, chicken liver pate mousse, caper berries, Deli mustard and Montreal light rye bread.
Under our specialty sandwiches you’ll now see the Uptown Big Beef Bad Boy and in the Deli Delight Sandwiches you’ll see the Mediterranean, Italian Meatball and Italian Cold Cut.
Of course, you’ll still see the popular ones like the Original Montreal Style Smoked Meat, Triple Decker Grilled Cheese and Deli Meatloaf sandwiches.
Please let us know what you think of the new menu and if you have ideas about items we should have at the Deli, please share with us.
We hope you like the menu!