Online and on target with Uptown Saint John

You may have already heard, Uptown Saint John (or Uptown SJ) has a new site and it’s pretty exciting. If you go there, you’ll see the Urban Deli is in there now. We haven’t populated it with a lot of info and what not yet, but give us time!

So, why should you even care? It depends on whether you, like us, care about Uptown Saint John and all that seems to be going on these days. The Uptown SJ site helps pull everything and everyone together.

For one thing, there is an events calendar to help stay on top of what’s coming up. You’ll find where to dine when you’re uptown (like the Urban Deli!), links to arts, culture, places to stay and so on. You’ll find information on what the Uptown is doing on the environmental front with a link to Green Feet, “the environment committee for Uptown Saint John.” (You’ll also find info on parking and transit.)

What’s fun to watch with a site like this, because it’s so new, is how it grows and develops. Uptown SJ is taking hold of all the social media tools from blogs to Facebook to Twitter and more, and pulling it together so we can all be on top of all the wonderful developments, changes and events happening in Uptown Saint John.

It’s really kind of cool.

(One last thing … you can follow Uptown Saint John on Twitter with @uptownsaintjohn and the Urban Deli with @urbandeli).
