Wow! What a great night! After a day getting ready, the Urban Deli hosted a private evening for friends and other guests and we had a ball.
Our Flickr account is full of some pics from the evening, some are not as good as we’d like but that’s due to the kitchen and every one else moving so quickly and purposefully. They were busy bees, so to speak. But everyone had fun. And it felt wonderful to finally get everything going and serving food, our raison d’être.
There’s no way to list everyone who dropped by to say ‘Hi!’ and wish us well. This post would go on forever if we did.

For example, Peter from Happinez (the winebar over on Princess) came by, as did Jason from Billy’s Seafood in the City Market and Sean from Red Whale Coffee (who supplies our coffees and teas – if coffee or tea is your thing, he’s the guy to talk to) … We could go on and on. (Oh yes, Christoph from CM Woodcraft Inc. – he’s the man who built our incredible communal table – he paid us a visit too. And the table was a huge success!)
Let’s just say Liz and everyone at the Urban Deli thank all of you – it made us feel fabulous! And we hope to keep seeing you, and everyone else in Saint John and elsewhere on Monday and onward, when we’re open and doing our thing every day.
(Menu will be up on the site later today.)
I think, if nothing else, we can say this about the night – everyone was stuffed! Thanks to the kitchen and thanks again to everyone who came by!
(By the way … Sorry if this post comes off as giddily schmoozy or something like that, but we honestly had a blast followed by a sense of great relief – and we really do have about a gazillion people to thank.)