Our holiday hours and have a Deli-icious Christmas!

Urban Deli Christmas 2010: Rob, Michael-Ann, Liane, Janna, Fran, Craig, Dale, Gord, Elizabeth, Alan, Vaughan, and Jordan. Missing in the photo: Greg, Phil, Dave, Jenny and Candy.

Wow! It’s here! Like you, we’ve been so busy we barely noticed it coming up on us. But it’s Christmas Eve day now and we know what tomorrow is, so we wanted to pause a moment and say a big thank you to everyone: our wonderful staff, suppliers, all the other Uptown businesses and, with a really big emphasis, our marvelous customers.

Not only have our customers kept us busy, a lot of them have given us great ideas for new things to introduce and on occasion have helped us “taste test” new items to see if they were up to their standards and ours.

It’s amazing how much they’ve helped us this year. So …

Thank you! And we hope everyone, everywhere has a Christmas to remember and a New Year that flies by because it’s so full of new people and things. And may we all be prosperous! Happy holidays!

Speaking of which, these are our hours over the holidays:

Holiday Hours:

  • Dec. 27 to 30: Regular Hours
  • Dec 31 (New Year’s Eve): Special New Year’s Eve dinner seating at 7:00pm — please call ahead (ask for Liz) and reserve.
  • Jan. 1 (New Year’s Day): Enjoy your hangover at the Deli! Breakfast only 9:00am to 3:00pm.

And we’re back to regular hours on January 2, 2011.


Mulled wine Urban Deli style – our recipe

We’ve had mulled wine available throughout December and many of our customers have commented on how wonderful it is. We’ve provided the recipe to a few customers that have asked about. Then we thought, let’s put it in our newsletter so those who want to try it at home can do just that over the holidays.

So, here it is … Enjoy!

Urban Deli mulled wine

Yield: 4

  • 1 750ml bottle red wine (we use the Italian Mezzomondo Negroamaro Salento)
  • 1 cup mulled apple cider
  • 4 tablespoons honey
  • 2 fresh rosemary sprigs
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 3 whole star anise
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 3 whole peppercorns
  • 1 orange, sliced
  • 2 ounces brandy


  1. Put everything in a pot over the stove.
  2. Slowly bring all ingredients to a low simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Transfer to a crock pot and serve.

It’s actually pretty simple. Pulling all the ingredients together really what it all about. If you do that, the rest is easy. 🙂


A meatloaf sandwich story

Urban Deli's very popular "comfort food," the much-ordered meatloaf sandwich.

Our menu consists of an array of deli sandwiches and that can make it hard for new customers to choose. After working a few shifts at Urban Deli, I noticed how many of our customers were ordering and raving about our meatloaf sandwich.

One busy summer afternoon, my parents drove from St. Andrews and visited the deli for the first time. I spoiled them with samples of our homemade ice-tea and lemonade (the lemonade is only during our summer season) and I encouraged them to order as much as possible.

My dad wanted to try our schnitzel and my mom right away asked for the meatloaf sandwich. To tell you the truth, I underestimated this deli delight. When her order arrived she made me taste a bite and with one forkful, I was hooked.

From then on I have been recommending this hearty sandwich to many of our customers. It is the comfort food to beat all comfort foods. It consists of a home-style meatloaf with an Urban Deli flare and is topped with melted aged-white cheddar cheese and sundried tomatoes. We serve it with sourdough bread that has been grilled and your choice of side.

The meatloaf sandwich guys: Carl, Ron, Craig and Doug.

Shortly after tasting the sandwich, I had a group of customers that came in for lunch during their break. They told me it was their first time and asked me for my recommendation. From that day on, they have been faithful regulars to Urban Deli … and the meatloaf sandwich as well.

Carl, Ron and Craig were in again last Friday and guess what? They ordered their usual (meatloaf with a side of deli frites) and brought a new face with them, Doug. I had to laugh because every time the guys come in they always order the same thing and they convinced Doug to do the same.

Welcome Doug! And thanks to all our Urban Deli regulars.


A little something about service

Herb Duncan had a very nice column in yesterday’s Telegraph-Journal titled “From the deli: don’t risk it with the brisket.” Brisket? Yes, he was talking about Urban Deli:

“There is a rather simple but critically important message to this small business story: Listen to your customers, work hard to keep costs down, look for opportunities to improve your product and services through best practices.”

Yes, indeed.


How beef brisket returned to the Urban Deli

Beef Brisket - Urban Deli

When I first started working for Urban Deli we had beef brisket on the menu. After working a few months, the brisket was taken off the menu because we felt it was not always consistent.

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of serving a lovely couple, David and Diane. When I went to take their order, David immediately asked, “Do you know where they get their Montreal Style Smoked Meat?”

I answered him and described how we served it. He was excited the minute I mentioned that it came from Lesters in Laval, Quebec. David ordered the sandwich and loved it.

I mentioned to Elizabeth, owner of Urban Deli, how excited he was about his meal. She went over and started talking with David and Diane. When he asked why we didn’t have brisket on our menu, Liz told him she wasn’t satisfied with the consistency. He offered his time to come in and show her how he prepares his.

Who is David?

Liz then found out David is an Executive Master Chef. He had trained in France (his forte is in French cuisine, especially sauces) and is now semi-retired. He and Diane have decided to relocate to Atlantic Canada (location to be determined). Diane is a Maritimer and has always been; David  is relocating from Toronto.

One day, when he was a student, David had the pleasure to work with Julia Childs in the kitchen of Le Sorbonne, where he was studying. This happened in his fourth year of studies. He said she was exactly the same in person as she was on TV and was certainly one of the highlights of his culinary education.

David and Diane had found the Urban Deli when they were looking for smoked meat in Saint John. Diane did an Internet search, found the Urban Deli and showed David our website (which he really liked because it provided him with the information he was looking for on the first page). He had a craving for smoked meat that day, so they stopped in for lunch.

When he talked to Liz about the beef brisket he said, “A deli without brisket is like a deli without cold cuts.” When it was mentioned that the big concern was consistency, he said, “I can help.”

Bringing back the brisket

Two samples of beef brisket.

He went home and prepared two special marinades and two rubs. It was on a Monday that he marinated the beef; on Tuesday, he put on the spices and rub.

He also started the cooking process that day and then smoked it on-site at the Urban Deli.

Then the sampling began. We had two briskets done slightly differently and did a blind taste test. We even gave some samples to customers that were in the Deli that day. We collected the feedback and … Voila!

Today we are now offering the beef brisket as a special.

David is also going to be back to experiment with a few other things. We’re not sure just what those will be yet, but we’ll keep you in the loop. In the meantime, we want send out a huge thank you to David and Diane for visiting the Urban Deli and to David for helping us bring back the beef brisket!


Catering tips and hints

A small example of what Urban Deli can bring to your catered event.

Be it big or small, when you have your event catered you want it to go smoothly. That is part of the point, isn’t it? You want your guests to enjoy themselves, to enjoy good food, and free yourself to attend to all the other matters that need your attention to make sure it is all smooth sailing.

So we’ve put together a little catering primer. It provides both tips and suggestions on how to ensure your event is everything you want it to be. (You can download it here: Catering Tips and Hints.)

At the Urban Deli we offer a variety of catering options. They can range from standard “off the menu” caterings for various gatherings, such as boardrooms or open houses (to name two), or we can tailor to your individual needs for weddings, anniversaries, graduations, or intimate social gatherings with friends and family. We can help you with almost any event. Just give is a call at 652-3354 or send us an email.

At the Urban Deli we offer a variety of catering options and we can help you with almost any event.

We’re also easily adaptable and can help you design your memorable occasion.

Regardless of the type of function or the style, there are a few not-so-obvious points to consider when planning a catered event. They can help you achieve a successful catered occasion that meets, even exceeds, your expectations.

We have nine items to keep in mind:

  • Manage Expectations
  • Know Your Guests
  • Know Your Guest Preferences
  • Provide Menu Choices
  • Incorporate Seasonal and Fresh Items
  • Select a Menu that Fits the Event Schedule
  • Anticipate Special Needs
  • Allow for a Comfortable Room Setup
  • Create Ethnic or Regional Menus

To learn more, download our Catering Tips and Hints (.pdf file).


This gift is easy, simple and tastes good too

Just ask to have one added to your bill next time you are in for a bite to eat.

Just ask to have one added to your bill next time you are in for a bite to eat.

One of the best tasting Christmas gifts you can give or receive this season is an Urban Deli gift card. Why be stressed looking for a gift? We’re hoping we can help make it easy for you.

When you pass by the Deli, or drop in for a bite, just ask us for a gift card — you choose the amount. They make great stocking stuffers and fit quite nicely inside a card. And an Urban Deli gift card can be used at anytime (no expiration date).

The season is about family, friends and — oh, yes! — food.

Enjoy the season! That’s what it’s here for!
