The 2010 Live Life Awards are on and there is a restaurant category where oodles of nominations are flowing in. You can add your voice by dropping in and having your say on the “Best Restaurant of the Year” in the Uptown area.
Of course, we’ve a particular bias.
But there are so many fabulous places to eat in Saint John’s Uptown, we’re thrilled to be one of them. This isn’t a competition so much as it’s a celebration of what we have and what we’re building on in the Uptown.
By the way, there will be a ceremony June 24 at the Saint John Theatre Company. You can get information on it, as well as information on getting a ticket to the event, by visiting the 2010 Live Life Awards web site. In their words, “… we’re having a party.”
In the meantime, if you want to nominate a restuarant, the place to go is here (simply add it as a comment).
One last note … Urban Deli also qualifies in a couple of other categories. Such as New Business of the Year (we opened last July) and Commercial Space of the Year. If you want to toss a nomination our way, we’d love to get it!
(Photo of the Urban Deli is by Beaver Smith, bigdayfoto, Saint John.)