That’s the advice of Laurie, our wonderful Queen of Soup.
“Be bold with flavour!” Continue reading
The Food Network is paying Saint John a visit for their new show, You Gotta Eat Here! And we’re way excited because we’re one of the restaurants they’ll be visiting for the show.
On Friday and Saturday they’re going to be taping at our friends, Saint John Ale House. On Sunday and Monday, they’re taping here at Urban Deli.
We’d love for you to join us for Monday’s taping (the 17th), during lunch 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. But please call us and make a reservation at 652-3354.
And what’s this Food Network show all about? Two words: comfort food. Here’s how they describe it:
You Gotta Eat Here! sends our charming, funny and food-obsessed host, comedian John Catucci, on a quest to find Canada’s most delicious, mouthwatering, over-the-top comfort food. He’s visiting great joints, greasy spoons, and legendary restaurants to taste the food that made them famous, and to meet the colourful characters that make each one of them institutions.
It should be fun. John Catucci is a pretty funny guy and it sounds as if he knows his comfort food. We’re fired up with the idea of them coming to see us and we hope you’ll join us so we can give them a real Uptown Saint John welcome. Hope to see you Monday!
Up until the first week or so of July 2009, Urban Deli only existed in the head of our owner Liz. Then, on July 13, 2009, it was real.
Yes, today is our birthday! It’s Urban Deli’s second anniversary!
We’ve had another wonderful year with the restaurant and our catering. It’s been a year filled with intriguing people and superb events.
We absolutely love being a part of Uptown Saint John. As with last year, we have oodles of people to thank: our fabulous staff, the tremendous vendors and suppliers we get to work with and, of course, the people of Saint John. Our customers are fabulous.
As small thank you, today we have free samples of our desserts with your meal. So we hope you drop by and give us a chance to say, “Thanks!”
And just in case your interested, below is a list of what visitors to the Deli appear to liked best from our menu in our last year.
Top sandwiches:
Top burger:
Top soups:
Top salads:
Top appetizer:
Tops from the smoked side of house:
Top Drinks:
Top Desserts:
Top Breakfast:
And that’s a wrap … Now we’re diving into year three.
Also see:
The night was wonderful; everyone was gracious. Winners of the Live Life Awards were announced and as far as we could tell, every body attending had a sensational time. We sure did.
Congratulations to our friends at Thandi’s! They walked away with the award for Best Restaurant of the Year. There were three of us in the category — Thandi’s, Saint John Ale House and Urban Deli.
We’d be disappointed except we were thrilled. Thandi’s is a great representative of the Uptown’s best. As is SJ Ale House.
It was our second year being nominated in that category so we’re hoping third time’s the charm.
Apart from our congratulations to all the people and businesses that won (and all the nominees), we’d like to let everyone at Uptown Saint John know we truly appreciate all the time, effort and commitment they put into the Live Life Awards and everything they’re doing for the Uptown. Now, here are all the winners!
(Photo via Manchester Shoes Salon)
We’re pretty pumped up about tonight’s Live Life Awards put on by Uptown Saint John. We’re excited partly because the evening proceedings will be held “… in the minimalist ‘white room,’ an architectural gem located on the second floor of 115 Prince William Street.”
And we’re excited because we’re up for an award.
In the ‘Best Restaurant’ category, the nominees are Saint John Ale House, Thandi’s and yours truly, Urban Deli. Best of luck to all three of us!
It’s worth having a look at all the nominees in all the categories. It’s a marvelous cornucopia of the Uptown’s great businesses and some of the exceptional accomplishments over the last year.
If you’re attending the glam event, we hope to see you there. We’ll be on hand and hope to say ‘Hi!’ to everyone.
See you tonight!
The Uptown is buzzing today with the Live Life Awards nominations. We were thrilled to find ourselves nominated in the Best Restaurant of the Year category — but the competition is stiff! We’re in there with two of the Uptown’s best: Thandi’s and Saint John Ale House. (Congrats to both!)
Having enjoyed time at both, we can attest to the fact that both are very deserving — we love the food at both! Uptown is the place to be for Saint John’s best dining. Of course, we’re a bit biased on that subject.
Last year, we found ourselves in three categories, including Best Restaurant. Thandi’s was also nominated last year. As it turns out, in 2010 Opera Bistro took the top honours for Best Restaurant.
You can go over all the categories and all the nominees on the Uptown Saint John site. Or you can let Tracy tell you all about them:
Winners will be announced at the gala event on June 9th. Tickets are available at the Uptown Saint John offices at 40 King Street or by calling 633-9797.
Congratulations to all the nominees in all the categories. Let’s all celebrate by getting out and living life in Uptown Saint John!
If there is a bible for Canadian foodies, it’s Where to Eat in Canada. It lists, and reviews, the best restaurants across the country so that when you’re travelling, you know where to go for great eating.
Published by Oberon Press, Urban Deli just received the most wonderful letter from them. The letter reads, in part:
“This year your restaurant has been chosen as one of the best in the country by the national restaurant guide … Our people travel Canada from coast to coast and pick the best restaurants in every city and town in the country.”
Wow! We’re thrilled! We’re less than two years old (we opened July 13, 2009) and this is an incredible honour.
If you’re not familiar with Where to Eat in Canada (edited by Anne Hardy), it’s a book that has been coming out for over 40 years. It lists, as the title says, the best places to eat across the country. Over 400 pages, many people take it with them in their travels — in a glove compartment, backpack, whatever they have. It’s the go-to reference for foodies.
So if you’re out west, you know where to eat when you’re in Victoria, Calgary or Saskatoon. Travelling in Quebec? The book recommends the best places to eat. And when you’re in the Maritimes, especially down Saint John way, you know about Urban Deli!
They tell us the newest edition (2011, with Urban Deli in it) will be available in early June. We’re anxious to see it and read what they had to say. We’ll keep you up to date on that!
In the meantime, we’re sending a big thank you to our customers and fabulous staff. You guys are the reason we’re in there and you’re the reason we love what we do!
One last aside … we love this line from the letter they sent us: “Nobody can buy his way into this guide and nobody can buy his way out.”
Sounds good to us!