Menus, resolutions and playing catch up

Can this be? Are we actually posting something? The answer is yes. The answer is also yes to, “Do you have that new menu yet?”

As you probably have figured out, putting the new menu together involved a lot more time and work than we expected. And we’ve learned something …Never say something will be ready around a certain date unless you’re 100% sure it will be. (Mind you, we did say we were “aiming at …”) So, we resolve that in the future we’ll say we’re working on something but not specify a date for readiness.

A couple of things contributed to the delay. The biggest one was getting it right. We kept tweaking until the taste was what we thought it should be and it seemed quite often the feeling was, “… it could be better.” So we kept tweaking.

We also mentioned we wanted to include gluten free items in the menu, which we have (bread, ribs, chowder, pasta and sauces etc.) though we want to do much more. We’ll be working with the Saint John chapter of the Canadian Celiac Association going through the entire menu to see what is necessary to broaden what we can offer. Of course, it can’t just be gluten free. It also has to taste good and we want to ensure that what we offer does.

You’ll be happy to know we have a second menu now, one that outlines our beverages and desserts. Yes, we have a dessert menu now. (A number of people have asked about that.) We’ve been working on that one for quite a while now.

While we’ve been on a kind of working hiatus, we’ve had a great number of compliments and other kind words and want to thank all of you for them.

Live music

Mike BiggarWe’ll also be introducing live music at the Deli starting Saturday, October 24th from 8-10 pm. Mike Biggar will be joining us. You may know Mike from the open mike night at the VintagE Bistro and Lounge in Hampton, which he hosts.

Our goal is to bring in some local talent (guitar/acoustic) between now and Christmas and then set a schedule for the new year for it to be a regular thing.

And finally

Just a reminder (since we just referred to Christmas) … if you’re planning a group Christmas thing, like a company Christmas get-together and want to have it at the Urban Deli, or if you’re interested in having us do some catering for your Christmas thing, just give us a call at 506.652.3354 (that’s 506.652.DELI). We can probably arrange something!
