With less than a week to go before Christmas, we thought we should send out a seasonal wish and also let you know what our holiday hours will be. And so …
We’ll be taking a breather over Christmas and giving our staff a chance to spend some time with friends and family. This means we’ll be closing Christmas Eve (Saturday, the 24th) at 3:00pm and not opening again until Tuesday, December 27th, at 11:30am.
For New Year’s, we’ll be closing at 3:00pm on December 31st (New Year’s Eve) and reopening Wednesday, January 4th at 11:30am. (Yes, on the Wednesday. Tuesday, the 3rd, we’re closed as we do inventory.)
And don’t forget, if you’re starting to panic about gifts for friends and family, drop by the Deli and ask us for a gift card — you choose the amount. They fit quite nicely inside a card. And an Urban Deli gift card can be used at anytime (no expiration date).
It’s a yummy gift idea especially if you have a food lover on your list. (And who doesn’t?)
Hope you’re enjoying the season. Be cheerful, merry and have a great time!