We opened Urban Deli July 13th, 2009. But just before we did, we had a preview night. These are some of the pics – some a bit blurry because it was one hectic night!
Getting the food out
Kitchen work
Last minute prep: Lianne, Jill, Gord, Liz, Hillary and the kitchen crew.
Preview night with guests
Gord and Liz serving and greeting
Our owner was greeting guests inside and outside the Deli
Our communal table, ready for the guests.
Liz and one of her guests observe as the evening progresses
This would be John and Liz. John built a good number of the counters, tables and who knows what else for the Deli.
Everyone was smiling that night.
Is everybody happy?
Gord and Liz were a blur as they made sure everyone was taken care of
Before anyone arrives: Urban Deli is ready for people
Bill and Liz outside Urban Deli