Our holiday hours and have a Deli-icious Christmas!

Urban Deli Christmas 2010: Rob, Michael-Ann, Liane, Janna, Fran, Craig, Dale, Gord, Elizabeth, Alan, Vaughan, and Jordan. Missing in the photo: Greg, Phil, Dave, Jenny and Candy.

Wow! It’s here! Like you, we’ve been so busy we barely noticed it coming up on us. But it’s Christmas Eve day now and we know what tomorrow is, so we wanted to pause a moment and say a big thank you to everyone: our wonderful staff, suppliers, all the other Uptown businesses and, with a really big emphasis, our marvelous customers.

Not only have our customers kept us busy, a lot of them have given us great ideas for new things to introduce and on occasion have helped us “taste test” new items to see if they were up to their standards and ours.

It’s amazing how much they’ve helped us this year. So …

Thank you! And we hope everyone, everywhere has a Christmas to remember and a New Year that flies by because it’s so full of new people and things. And may we all be prosperous! Happy holidays!

Speaking of which, these are our hours over the holidays:

Holiday Hours:

  • Dec. 27 to 30: Regular Hours
  • Dec 31 (New Year’s Eve): Special New Year’s Eve dinner seating at 7:00pm — please call ahead (ask for Liz) and reserve.
  • Jan. 1 (New Year’s Day): Enjoy your hangover at the Deli! Breakfast only 9:00am to 3:00pm.

And we’re back to regular hours on January 2, 2011.


A little something about service

Herb Duncan had a very nice column in yesterday’s Telegraph-Journal titled “From the deli: don’t risk it with the brisket.” Brisket? Yes, he was talking about Urban Deli:

“There is a rather simple but critically important message to this small business story: Listen to your customers, work hard to keep costs down, look for opportunities to improve your product and services through best practices.”

Yes, indeed.


An Oscar Wilde winner

“The only thing better than an Oscar Wilde play is an Oscar Wilde play you win free tickets for.”

Okay, so Oscar Wilde didn’t say that. But he is the playwright of The Importance of Being Earnest, which is currently being presented by our own Saint John Theatre Company. They were kind enough to provide us with tickets to give away for tonight’s performance and we have a winner.

Kathy Bacon will be off to the performance at the Imperial Theatre. We made our draw and Kathy was the winner. The play is on through Saturday and you can probably still get tickets. This particular play was Oscar Wilde’s last play.

And now for something Oscar Wilde actually did say.

“Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.”



Talking with Saint John photographer Beaver Smith

Photography can be a very personal experience.  The reality is that there are no “terrible” images – ever.” — Beaver Smith

On Saturday evening, the Urban Deli hosts Uptown Saint John Captured Through the Lens of Beaver Smith. He’s a good friend of the Deli as well as the talent behind bigdayfoto, wedding photographers.

Beaver is a man with a great eye for incredible shots so we decided to conduct an “email interview” with him to learn a bit more about photography and the photographer. We discussed quite a few things, specifically Saint John, the Uptown, and photos. When taking a picture, what does he look for? Beaver told us, “There is a lot of color, texture and character to Uptown Saint John.

“You can see it with your eye if you stop, look, and think about it – actually look at what you are seeing.  The trick is to capture it in an image worthy of printing.  In several of my images, the colors have been boosted or saturated. To me, that is what I see when I really look. Some have been turned black and white.”

That immediately had us thinking about technology and some of the tools photographers now use to create the photos the rest of us wish we could get.

“PS (Photoshop) and all the other tools are just that — tools!  Like a chef in a kitchen full of “tools,” they may not use every tool in the kitchen to prepare a certain dish …

“Have you ever taken a picture of a beautiful sunset or a gorgeous panoramic view of some mountain valley only to be terribly disappointed in the out come? Well, it’s not you!  It’s the limitations of the camera. Today’s photographers learn to work with the limitations. PS is one of many primary tools used.”

Saint John and finding the light

Here in Saint John, we’re partly known for our Fundy fog. Most of us, when we hear people talking about photography, find people talking about light. So how does a city like ours treat photographers as far as light goes? Beaver tells us, “For starters, as a photographer you have to understand/work with light (where it’s coming from and it’s “quality”).

“… Depending on what you are trying to achieve, Saint John fog can be a blessing.  Too much contrast in an image [can be a problem] — think bright sunny day mid afternoon high sun and a bride in a beautiful pure white wedding gown.

“Most photographers in this situation are looking to get out of the sun (find a big old tree) and would welcome a little fog.  In the same situation with fog, there is less contrast, the quality of the light is much more flattering to the subject.  Can I take a nice picture of a bride in bright sun? You bet, but I would rather the fog!”

There is a great deal more to our back and forth with Beaver. For the full interview, visit this page.

What does the future hold for him and bigdayfoto? He tells us, “Now in our 6th year, I am looking to take my wedding photography business bigdayfoto to be the premier wedding photography studio in Atlantic Canada.  With that lofty goal comes the requirement for a lot more personal development.”

We think he’ll reach his goal and likely a good deal more!


Help us help our inner-city families

We’re looking for some volunteers for Sunday, October 10th (a week from tomorrow) in order to help serve a Thanksgiving dinner to inner-city families in support of the Salvation Army.

This is “no charge” meal for the families and we are planning to have two seatings (4pm and 5:30pm).

Can you lend a hand? Here’s what we’re looking for help with:

  • prep-workers
  • servers
  • and clean-up.

We think it’s going to be a great day with food and people and families. If you can lend a hand, please contact us at 506.652.3354 (DELI). Just leave us your name and contact number. (You can also contact us using our contact page.)

Thank you!


We’re one year old – Whoo hoo!

It seems as if we opened our doors yesterday and today woke up to find ourselves one year old. Does time really move that quickly? Apparently — especially when you’re trying to serve food!

The Urban Deli opened on July 13, 2009. One year later, we’re still here.

It’s fascinating what happens while you’re busy. We’ve had lots of customers come into the Deli and in what seems the blink of an eye some have become regulars, many have become friends, and our staff have become family.

But what has most amazed us has been the way Saint John has welcomed and taken us in, and how Uptown Saint John has made us a part of one of the most exciting and growing communities anywhere in the country.

“Thank you Saint John,” doesn’t come close to saying how grateful we are to the Port City but, thank you Saint John!

And a huge thank you to our staff — not just for the work you do, but the way you do it.

Year one is behind us; the future is ahead and wide open. We’re loving it!


We had a fabulous weekend …

… And it all started with a incredible Canada Day in Uptown Saint John. Even the dogs were caught up in the feeling we call Canada.

The Deli had a little setup in front of the UD (the restaurant was closed) where we sold breakfast and pulled pork sandwiches outside the doors. We also had cold drinks like our scratch lemonade and ice-tea. It was a fun way to be working and being out meeting people enjoying the day. We have photos on our Facebook page here.

The photo above of Lianne and Liz and our extraordinary helpful helper was just one of loads of photos Beaver Smith took (many thanks!). If you want to really see what Saint John’s Uptown looked like on this Canada day, have a look at his photos.
