Our Valentine’s Day Italian evening is fully booked (sorry!) but we’ve posted the menu because it gives a hint of what is to follow next week when we introduce our Italian by Night starting Wednesday night. (And every Wednesday though Friday after that.)
You’ll find the menu here. Or you can download the PDF version.
We have a boatload of people to thank but we particularly want to tip our hats to Michelle Hooton (bitebymichelle) and our top man in the kitchen, chef Andrew.
And of course our own owner, Liz, who dreamed this all up.
We’re still busy with tweaks and all those little details that come up at the last minute, but we are very excited about it all. So join us on all the Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays coming up and enjoy our Italian by Night — Tuscan taste. Urban flair.
You can call us to make reservations at 652-3354.
(By the way, here’s a great interview with Michelle.)